ANLCA Airport Brouhaha: We didn’t Declare Bamgbala Adewusi As Chairman—–Police

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The Lagos Airport Police Command has said that it did not at any time declare Adewusi Bamgbala as Chairman of the Airport Chapter of the Association of Nigerian Licensed Customs Agents (ANLCA) but that it only directed that status quo should remain at the airport chapter.

Bamgbala is incumbent Chairman and one of the gladiators in the ongoing battle for the soul of ANLCA at the Lagos Airport.

The other two gladiators are; Mr Tope Akindele whom the ANLCA National Executive Committee (NECOM) recently inaugurated and pronounced as the authentic Chairman of the chapter.

Tope Akindele enjoys the blessings of the National President of ANLCA, Emenike Nwokeoji and his NECOM, even as his letter of introduction has been forwarded to all government agencies at the airport since Monday.

National President of ANLCA, Emenike Nwokeoji (3rd from right) in a group photograph with the new executives of ANLCA Lagos Airport Chapter

The third gladiator is Prince Bola Ashiru who also has a court judgement pronouncing him as Chairman.

Following the inauguration of Tope Akindele and his new executives by the ANLCA National President in Lagos last week Friday, the Police Commissioner was apparently inundated of the development by Adewusi Bamgbala who argued that his tenure as democratically elected chairman is still running.

Subsequently, the police had on Monday invited all gladiators to a meeting to ensure that law and order is maintained.

The new Chairman of ANLCA Lagos Airport Chapter, Mr Tope Akindele (3rd from right) and the rest of his executives

While clarifying the police stance regarding the leadership tussle, Public Relations Officer, Airport Command, SP Daramola Kazeem in a statement on Tuesday said the Commissioner of Police CP Aminu Baba Raji, never declared Adewusi Bamgbola the rightful Chairman of ANLCA Airport chapter.

According to the Airport Command’s PRO, at no time did the Commissioner mention that the incumbent should remain in office till the end of his tenure.

The statement reads, “The attention of the APOC Commissioner of Police has been drawn to an online publication and wish to put the record straight.

“In an attempt to find a lasting truce to the lingering leadership tussle in ANLCA, airport chapter, the Airport Command Commissioner of Police, CP Aminu Baba Raji, psc invited all those in leadership contention in ANLCA for a meeting.

“In attendance were the NAHCO Director of DSS, Dr Ndudimkoakazi and the FAAN Airport Chief of Security, Mr. CS Ukegbu along with CP’s Management team. “The CP welcomed them and went straight to why he invited them.

He said the need to let peace reign in the Airport can not be overemphasized and that as much as they have right to protest if need be, it must be peaceful and within the ambit of the law without infringement on anyone’s fundamental human rights.

“Upon presentation by three parties of the various court pronouncements on who is the association’s chairman, the CP told them that the documents will be sent to the courts to independently verify them so as to know which one is not only genuine but also with latest and highest jurisdiction.

“The meeting resolved that the status quo be maintained pending when the verification will be carried out.

“The Commissioner wishes to state that at no time did he mention that the incumbent should remain there till the end of his tenure as claimed by the online publication.

“In view of this, the command maintains its stand on seeing to the peace and tranquility of the Airport at all times and will therefore not fold its arms and allow any union, organization, group or association to turn airport or its environs into battle field.”

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1 thought on “ANLCA Airport Brouhaha: We didn’t Declare Bamgbala Adewusi As Chairman—–Police

  1. This is getting out of hand adewusi av been there for over 2 years now so y not let peace to reign in our association y all dis adewusi tope bola they are all yorubas y not settle dis within ourselfs they shuld leave adewusi alone to finish is tenure i am not in support of anybody pls my pple let d peace reign pls

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