‘The OMIS Award’ Debuts, Set to Celebrate Excellence in Maritime Sector

HSENations International, the organizers of Africa Safety for Excellence (AfriSAFE), the continent’s most prestigious HSE award, has launched The OMIS Award to recognize and celebrate excellence in the maritime sector.
CEO of HSENations, Femi Da-silva made the disclosure in a statement signed on Sunday, February 27.
He said that The OMIS Award was established by popular demand.
According to him, the company had been inundated with calls for categories open for nomination in the popular AfriSAFE to be expanded to cover the maritime sector.
However, he said, some stakeholders in the maritime sector proposed a separate award program, arguing that the sector was too strategic to be subsumed under the current HSE award.
Explaining the importance of The OMIS Award, Da-silva said, “the maritime sector is recognized globally as a critical component in world trade and a gateway to the economy of coastal countries, including Nigeria.
“Despite the strategic importance of maritime, which employs hundreds of thousands in Nigeria alone, the efforts of personnel and organizations at developing this sector, subsequently boosting the nation’s economy, are not being adequately recognized and celebrated.
“The OMIS Award has stepped in to fill this void, recognizing that awards boost morale, leading to greater job satisfaction and improved productivity, and is a clarion call for greater service.”
The statement quoted Chair of the Governing Board of the award, Jean Chiazor Anishere SAN as saying that the OMIS AWARD “identifies individuals and organizations in the Maritime sector, with the best Maritime safety policies and procedures. It is the ‘tonic’ the maritime industry and the Country at large, need to inspire the attainment of international best standards and practices and attract foreign investments for economic growth and job employment for our teeming youths “.
” I personally applaud this laudable initiative and trust that it will stand the test of time.”
Continuing, Da-silva stressed that the award aims to serve as a catalyst for the continued development of the maritime sector through the appreciation of the mostly silent but incredible work that is being done by stakeholders; to highlight innovations and achievements in the field as well as raise awareness and beam the searchlight on important issues that do not always get the attention they deserve, and subsequently promote further improvement.
He called on stakeholders to nominate deserving personnel and organizations in the maritime sector for the award’s inaugural edition.
Da-silva said nomination could only be done through the award’s website, https://www.theomisaward.com.