TICT Terminal Slashes Storage Charges, Urges Importers to Clear Cargo Backlog



Frontline container terminal at the Tin Can Island Port, TICT Terminal has acted in good faith with its customers by cutting down the recently increased Terminal charge increment recently sanctioned by the port economic regulator, Nigerian Shippers Council.

DAILY TREND reports that the increase in terminal charges to as high as 600% had initially divided freight forwarders against terminal operators, necessitating a stakeholders meeting on Tuesday, convened by the Nigerian Shippers Council where all concerned finally resolved to a 400% increment.

Apparently acting on the strength of that agreement, TICT Terminal in a customer advisory dated 25th October informing that its prices has been adjusted downwards.

The Advisory has the title; NOTICE OF REDUCTION IN OUR STORAGE TARIFF and it reads in part:

“This is to bring to your notice that TICT has applied a downward review of our recently updated storage tariff, effective from tomorrow 26th of October 2023.

“This reduction in tariff should be considered as an act of good faith and consideration towards the plight of our customers in this current economic situation of the country.

“We encourage all our importers and their agents to commence immediate release of their cargo lying in our Terminal before further storage costs accrue on the boxes.

“We thank you for your understanding and support through the years and we will ensure that we continue to offer unparalleled service to all our customers”


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