E-Call Up System: NPA Must Not Succumb To Distractors, MWUN Encourages Hadiza Bala-Usman



The Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN) has once again reiterated its support for the management of Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) over its Electronic Call-Up System for trucks, urging the Hadiza Bala-Usman led management team not to give in to distractors who do not want success of the project.

President General of MWUN, Comrade Adewale Adeyanju stated this at the weekend during the 5th Quadrennial National Delegate Conference of the union.

Speaking with DAILY TREND NEWS last week, some truck drivers at the port had alleged that the NPA electronic call up has fold up and that they have been unable to generate call-up slips from the ETO application for several days.

There have also been reported cases of the ETO application being hacked by fraudsters to produce fake call-up slips.

Comrade Adeyanju however applauded the management of NPA for the introduction of the electronic call-up system at the ports, saying that if given a chance, it would eradicate congestion at the port.

“The Perennial Gridlock on our Port access roads has become a recurring decimal. The negative effect of this on the nation’s economy is coilossal and unquantifiable. Government must therefore find a permanent sollution to this unpalatable situation”

“We applaud the management of NPA for the introduction of the e-call up system which is expected to reduce the numbers of trucks plying these roads that are responsibie for the gridlock that has characterised the access roads to our seaports”

“We want to encourage NPA management not to succumb to the antics of distractors” Comrade Adeyanju stated.

While speaking on the state of the Nation, the MWUN PG said the Nigeria Nation is drifting towards anachy and there is an urgent need to reverse this trend before it spirals out of control.

“It is no gain saying that the security architecture in the country has broken down. The incessant killing of innocent citizens, kidnapping, robberies, raping, piracy, brigandage and all other vices which have been the order of the day, must be brought to a stop now. The Federal government is hereby called upon to immediately rejig its security architecture with a view to curbing all these vices and save lives and properties”

Comrade Adeyanju also condemned attempts to remove wages and salaries of workers from the Exclusive Legislative List to the Concurrent legislative list by the Federal Government.

“We call on the National Assembly to drop the attempt to remove wages/salaries from the exclusive legislative list to the concurrent legislative list. We strongly stand by the Nigerian Labour Congress in its call for an abolishment of this process” he said

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