APM Terminals Worker Tests Positive to COVID-19 

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An employee of APM Terminals Apapa has tested positive to COVID-19.
The last time the worker was at the port was April 16, 2020 but his COVID-19 infection was confirmed on April 27.
A statement issued by the company’s General Manager, External Relations, Daniel Odibe, reads: “APM Terminals hereby informs the port community and general public of a positive COVID19 case concerning a staff of APM Terminals Apapa Limited.
“The said employee’s last day at work was on April 16th 2020”
“The employee developed malaria symptoms and was referred to a hospital where he was initially treated before he was referred to NCDC for further test.
“We were informed on April 27th 2020 that the test result came out positive”
“The case is currently being handled by NCDC while we continue with our precautionary and response plans in strict adherence to the COVID19 protocol.”
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