Sir Ernest Elochukwu: The Staggering Profile of an ANLCA BOT Aspirant

Sir Ernest Elochukwu
Sir Ernest Elochukwu is one of the aspirants in the forthcoming elections into the Board of Trustees (BOT) of the Association of Nigerian Licensed Customs Agents (ANLCA)
He is the Chairman, Chief Executive Officer of Nestello Gateways Group, based in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
Having served as a member of the immediate past BOT of the association, he is returning back into the Board to continue to give direction for the biggest customs brokers association in Africa; ANLCA.
Sir Elochukwu has maintained a high level of integrity in the maritime sector, he has mentored so many members of ANLCA and Freight Forwarders in general, and remains the first ANLCA National President who has taken the association to the seat of power at Aso Rock Abuja.
Amongst the highlights of his tenure as National President of ANLCA include bringing ANLCA to be seen as the only mouthpiece of the customs brokers in Nigeria.
During his reign in office, it is on record that the Customs Service then was always mindful of what the man would do.
Sir Ernest Elochukwu also contributed immensely to the making of the Council for the Regulation of Freight Forwarding in Nigeria
(CRFFN) Act.
He ensured that the First Governing Council was comprised of majority of ANLCA members.
He has attended various international standard conferences and ultimately took ANLCA to have an audience with the then sitting President and Commander-in-Chief, President Olusegun Obasanjo
Sir Ernest Elochukwu is one of the board members that ANLCA trully deserve at the moment, he is a man of experience and he is highly cerebral.
Suffices to say that the BOT of ANLCA comprises of nine membership, men that bring value and color to the association by affecting government policies in favour of their practice, and setting high professional standards.
Sir Ernest Elochukwu has recently emerged as one of the choice candidates in the forthcoming BOT election. The choice candidates according to the association members are;
1. Sunday A Momoh
2. Demola Mumunney
3. Mohammed Sani Utai
4. Tunde Awonuga
5. Dayo Azeez
6. Taiwo Mustapha
7. Elochukwu Ernest
8. Dennis Okafor
9. Kingsley Offor
“I went to the University of Port Harcourt where I studied Management with specialization in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations. I have equally attended many courses aimed at improving ones knowledge of contemporary socio economic issues.
“On another note, I think that my records as ANLCA person should be my selling point; I am in the very few who have been privileged to occupy the positions of Secretary, Vice Chairman, Chairman and Zonal Chairman (at the chapter level) before becoming the Secretary of the National Reconciliation Committee (when the Association was in crisis around late ‘90s) and after an unsuccessful bid to be the National Vice President in 1999, later won the most keenly contested and most costly election to become the National President in 2004”